Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Set Goals- Be Unstoppable

I love the quote by Ayn Rand, "The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me." It oozes passion, desire, determination. So how can we hold that drive? The key is to hold your destination close to you.... within you... around you... in sight... always.

Charles DeLint makes it clear. We have to remember his words, "the road leading to a goal does not separate you from the destination; it is essentially a part of it." It is so easy to put that giant space between where we are and where we want to be, but that's not the way it is. Not when you set up your goals based on who you are, who you aim to be personally, spiritually, or professionally, and what you stand for. Live your goal every day feeling the end result you aim to reach. Take steps towards your goal in a way that develops you and allows you to live your passion and purpose.

Someone once said, "Write it down. Written goals have a way of transforming wishes into wants; cant's into cans; dreams into plans; and plans into reality. Don't just think it - ink it!" Write your goals down and keep them in front of you daily. Don't lose sight of where you are headed. It's unlikely you would take off for the other side of the country without holding that vision and excitement of getting there and having a plan of direction in place.

So what goal is so important to who you are, who you want to become, what you want personally, spiritually, or professionally, and what you stand for that it is worth writing down, creating a plan, and seizing wholeheartedly? Go ahead...get started... 2010 is just around the bend!

And if you want to add the accountability factor. Put your goal out to the world right here. Click on comments below.

As we continue to be unlimited~
When you are ready to be unlimited!

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Avoid Overwhelm at Year End

Lately I've felt really anxious as we moved into the month of October, and now it's November. It's been especially busy this year and the thought pattern is in place that things are about to break loose, get crazy, become overwhelming!! Finally, I had to stop and say "hello.... you are a coach.... you know how to handle this.!!"

Anticipation of countless 'to do's' ahead can be overwhelming. The key is to get started. Create a plan of small doable tasks. Begin! Feel better about yourself by doing, accomplishing, renewing, and acknowledging your progress. So I scheduled in time this week to make my year-end plan! A year-end plan includes what you want to complete by year-end on holiday, personal, professional and even financial tasks/ goals. Now I know what I have to do. Whew! While the tasks are many it feels good to know exactly what needs to be done.

I began taking action last night and got enough done to feel I'm off to a strong start. Getting started on Christmas cards makes me feel ahead of the game. Knowing where I want to be at the end of the year is a vision that motivates me into more action. While I am busy now I know that the month of December is filled with additional events that will steal more time. So I'm getting things done now in order that I can really enjoy the holiday season without stress.

Make sure in your year-end plan you include a 'Need List' of things you need to pick up... scotch tape, gifts, a new planner for 2010, etc. Keep it with you. When you are out and about you can be efficient like Santa, check your list and check it twice. See if there is anything you can pick up. Save yourself a trip later, and have more time for family fun.   

When will you schedule 20 minutes to create your year-end plan? What do you want to leave in 2009 in order to begin 2010 fresh? How do you want to develop your mind set for 2010?

Add your comments and tips below. We learn so much more when we all share our best tips.

As you continue to be unlimited~

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Master a Specific Area & Experience Your Great Capacity to Grow

"Most people have no idea of the giant capacity we can immediately command when we focus all of our resources on mastering a single area of our lives." Anthony Robbins

Most of us find our lives filled and being pulled in many directions. I recall when my children were small hearing so many new mothers discouraged, feeling as if they could not do anything well because they were being pulled in so many directions. What we don't realize is that we can make great strides and a world of difference when we stay focused in one area. Below are a few examples.

I will focus all of my resources into mastering:
~ creating a mindset that is supportive, encouraging, and not self-sabotaging
~ organization so that I stop wasting time
~ a skill that will take me to the next level
~ setting boundaries so that others are not controlling my life
~ communication so that I have a lifetime of great realationships
~ finances so that my income stays up, expenses low, stability grows, and worries eliminated
~ good health in hopes that my family can live vibrantly and longer

In what specific area of your life would the most rewards come if you were to only focus on mastering that precise area for now? What are you waiting for? Begin!

As we contiune to be unlimited~
When you are ready to be unlimited!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Strengthen Your Self Discipline and Change Life

In reading the excerpt below keep in mind that the prefrontal cortex (PFC) is the front third area of the brain that plays a key role in forethought and judgement. Don't get scared now!! ~smile~ I'm not gonna get all scientific on you. It will be worth it! I promise. Here goes...

"Whenever you give in to your impulses and lose your focus, you actually weaken the PFC's control over your life and make the behaviors more likely to occur again. When you resist negative behaviors you strengthen the PFC and your own self-control. Resisting the temptation to waste time or engage in activities that are worthless or harmful makes you stronger. Repetitively doing positive activities makes them more likely to occur. Disciplined behavior increases discipline." This is an excerpt from the book Magnificent Mind at Any Age by Daniel G. Amen, MD.

So basically you have to use self discipline to gain self discipline. Sounds hard but is easier than you may think. First get really clear on the actions that are most important. Keep them in front of you. When you find yourself going to check your e-mail for the third time in an hour, or the temptation to continue a conversation that is just distracting you, or doing secondary tasks that distract you from the important actions... Stop! Focus on what you really want. Do you want to continue to feel bad about your results or do you want to make a change and feel good? Choose to resist!

Resist the temptation to procrastinate, waste time, etc. Know that each time you resist is like strengthening a muscle. You are strengthening your brain and creating knew patterns so that it will not be as hard in the future. Have you watched The Biggest Loser? As the show progresses you see contestants strengthening their self discipline and strengthening their brain. It does get easier for them to resist and focus on what they are doing for themself and their family as they create new thought patterns (habits). 

Think of it this way. Do you want short term satisfaction that lasts a few moments? Or do you want higher self esteem, more fulfillment, more accomplishments, and the list of benefits goes on....? Take action to strengthen your self discipline and create a long track record of daily successes.

Thoughtful question(s) to shift into action:
What sabotaging behavior will you resist today in order to gain focus, strengthen your brain, and set the stage for greater self control and a history of positive actions that leads to greater success and happiness?

Don't stop here. Take action! Then come back and let everyone know what worked for you.

As we support each other to be unlimited~
Coach Beth
When you are ready to be unlimited!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

End Chaos.. Plan Ahead

Stop! Jot down what you want to knock out this week.  
Prioritize! Decide what actions will make the greatest positive difference.
Schedule! Do the important things first.
Begin! Take rejuvenation breaks.
Finish! Feel accomplished!!

Sometimes we get into such a whirlwind that we don't take the time to get the clutter out of our heads and into a system that will support our success. Some prefer paper planners, others enjoy technology such as a blackberry or their computer. In any event, a crammmed brain works like a packed computer. The more you are dealing with, the slower it gets. So, stop! Put your to do's into a system.

Now decide what is most important. What are the actions that will make the biggest difference. If you are really needing money, take actions that will help you increase income or lower expenses instead of spending time on a secondary goal. Is there anything you can delegate or eliminate? Prioritize what is most important.

Schedule those important tasks first. So that you are active in what you have decided will make a difference. We often put the important stuff off because of fear or it's something we don't want to do. Putting things off become a toleration that drains your energy and wastes more time. Keep the end result in mind. Know how great you will feel when it's behind you.

Begin! Get busy taking action. Take regular breaks every 90 minutes or so to rejuvenate in order to stay at peak performance level. Treat yourself for 10 minutes. Then get focused and get things done. Listen to your body. Improve your diet, exercise, sleep, etc. in order to have the best energy. 

Finish! Keep your eye on completion. Feel great about what you've accomplished and reward your efforts. Go have fun!! Enjoy life now while you take action towards the business, career, life you keep thinking about. Enjoy the people around you. Reap the rewards of planning ahead.

As we continue to be unlimited~
When you are ready to be unlimited! 

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Doing Your Best in Every Action

We are built with great intentions. The human body and the brain is so exquisite that physicians over thousands of years have yet to figure out its intricacies. We are built with an immense vastness of abilities.

Although fear and self-doubt can set in through experiences there is nothing stopping us from striving to be our best in each and every moment. George Halas, nick named Mr Everything (a player, coach, inventor, jurist, producer, philanthropist, American football team pioneer, owner, and leader of the NFL's Chicago Bears), points out that "nobody who ever gave his best regretted it."

What difference would it make in your day, week, year, or life if you began doing your best in every action?
~ really listening to what your children, spouse, or people at work were saying
~ using great focus on your work and striving for excellence
~ getting the very best sleep
~ caring more
~ becoming better at communicating, managing, organizing, writing, eating, exercising, and so on... even driving. Would your life be any different than it is today? How would it impact others?

You are doing your best when you are consciously improving each action. As Dale Carnegie said, "Don't be afraid to give your best to what seemingly are small jobs. Every time you conquer one it makes you that much stronger. If you do the little jobs well, the big ones will tend to take care of themselves."

Extreme self care is important to be your best. Getting the fuel (food/ water/ vitamins/ nourishment), sleep, exercise, rejuvenation time you need to feel great! Anthony Robbins shares, "The higher your energy level, the more efficient your body. The more efficient your body, the better you feel and the more you will use your talent to produce outstanding results." 

So what are you doing today:
~ to feel great,
~ to use the vastness of your abilities, and
~ to be your very best in each action you take?

Let us know what you learn about yourself and how it changes your day or week by coming back and commenting below.

As we all continue to be unlimited together~

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Get Unstuck!

So many people have been talking about being stuck! Stuck on marketing... finishing a class assignment... handling details... setting up a financial budget... creating a schedule that works...or in an unfulfilling (and even dreadful) relationship. Rush Limbaugh said, "Being stuck is a position few of us like. We want something new but cannot let go of the old - old ideas, beliefs, habits, even thoughts. We are out of contact with our own genius. Sometimes we know we are stuck; sometimes we don't. In both cases we have to DO something." 

You see, inaction causes anxiety. Yet when planning action remember this: When you drive down the road and get stuck in mud you don't get out and move along the same path. Otherwise you are soaked in mud again. Albert Einstein explained, "You can not solve a problem from the same consciousness that created it. You must learn to see the world anew." Take a new route! Come from a new perception.

To stay out of the mud and move in a direction that revitalizes you:
~ Define the obstacle- What is at the source of your stuckness?
~ Take action to resolve it- Fill the gap between the source and the end result.
~ Focus on the ideal end result- Keep your eyes on the prize.
Einstein also declared, "If I had 20 days to solve a problem , I would take 19 days to define it." So what is the source of the obstacle? Here are a few examples with tips to make a shift. 

If you are stuck because you are:
Unsure of what to do- Gather more information. Seek advice from someone who knows.
Not wanting to do it- Delegate it to someone whose good at it. If you have to do it, do it first thing in the   morning. Get it behind you. Focus on completion and the results you want.
Overwhelmed- Choose the small part you CAN do (even if a rediculously tiny step). Begin!
Fearful- Is it legitimate? Is it something you really want to do? Put your courage to work. Know how great you will feel for having the gumption to address your fear while gaining knowledge and experience.
Battling an old thought pattern or habit that is not serving you- Shift it! You have the power to change it to something positive and encouraging that will support you to take action. EX- Shifting self talk, going to bed earlier or eating better so you have the energy, etc.

No matter what the obstacle remember the aim (the ideal end result). The Wright Brothers did not learn how to put a plane in the air by focusing on being stuck on the ground. Ships were not built by focusing on how to make something sink. Define the obstacle and move into action with great focus on what you want to accomplish and how great that feels. Allow that to become the magnet to advance you forward.

Inaction creates anxiety. So when you are stuck move into action whether it is gathering more information, asking for advice, shifting a mind set or habit, moving through fear, or taking small steps you know you CAN do! What will you do today to tap into your genius, be in action, and take a new route in a way that is revitalizing? It's time to DO something! And let us know what works for you by commenting below.

As we continue to be unlimited together~

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Do Your Best in This Moment = Very Best Place for the Next

"My philosophy is that not only are you responsible for your life, but doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment." Oprah Winfrey

Think about it... if you just focus on doing your best in this moment as each moment arises you set yourself up to live your best life whether communicating with a client, creating a new product or service, hugging your significant other, or off having a great time golfing, scrap booking, or skiing down a mountain. 

A reader of Wednesday Morning Inspiration wrote me a note that it reminded her of the Fibonacci Sequence. The Fibonacci Sequence is a sequence of numbers in which each subsequent number is the sum of the two previous numbers. Such as 0- 1- 1- 2- 3- 5- 8- 13 . See how each number is a product of the sum of the two previous numbers? While you are not here for a math lesson, it does make you think... 

If each moment you do your best in that given moment, are you building your life
~  step by step sequentially....... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,   8... ? OR
~  by the Fibonacci Sequence... 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13... ?

Hmmm... is that how Oprah became the first female billionaire? I really don't know but it's intriguing. What I do know is that doing your very best in each moment will lead to greater relationships, life/ career experiences, knowledge, confidence, fulfillment, opportunities, etc. And that new businesses as they grow tend to look more like the Fibonacci Sequence in the beginning when laying the foundation.

So, what will you do to make the most of every moment so that you are in the very best place for the next? Comment below and let us know what you try and how it goes. We can all become the best we can be together!

And thanks to Laura Kerley of for reminding me about the Fibonacci Sequence. BTW, if you need something proofread/ edited this is Laura's expertise (removing errors from important info). I guess she helps you be your best in the moment! ~smile~

As you continue to be unlimited~
Business & Life Coach
When you are ready to be unlimited!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Go Full Out Today!

What if we lived today (and/ or tomorrow) full out! I wonder how our day might be different. I wonder if our results would change? I wonder if life would get more exciting? I wonder if we would get more done? I wonder if the world would become a better place? OK OK... maybe I'm getting carried away! But think about it... when a dancer goes full out they put everything they've got into their performance... passion, skills, strengths, training, energy. It makes the performance so much more exciting and entertaining! On the other hand a football player who plays full out on the field is doing the same... putting their strengths, skills, training, energy, and love for the game into every move. It leads to exciting plays and great achievements.

So let's do it! Let's wake up... full out! Let's carry out our work, play, relationships, spiritual time full out and see what happens. See how life will be different. See how results may change. Not sure how to do it?

1) Get your head in the game... love every moment!
2) Put that love and passion into everything you do.
3) Leverage your strengths, skills, training, and knowledge
4) Be enthusiastic! Put energy into your efforts and rejuvenate when needed.

OK, ready? Let's go! Live today full out and come back here to comment if anything changed. Did people respond to you differently? Did you feel differently at the end of the day? Did any new opportunities show up because of it? What changed? I can't wait to hear!

As you continue to be unlimited~

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Being Gutsy is Exhilarating

Following through on something scary can be exhilarating. Get started by seeking small opportunities to stretch out of your comfort zone and use courage, such as:
~ saying 'no' to someone
~ saying 'yes' to what you really want
~ changing your look
~ how you communicate with your boss, family, co-workers, etc.
~ trying something new
~ look into taking on a new endeavor you've been thinking about

When you choose to be gutsy, you gain experience and life gets more fun and exciting!

In what way (even if small) will you use courage today in order to experience the exhilaration of just trusting and having the guts to try?

When you are ready to be unlimited!

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Monday, April 27, 2009

On a Mission to Get Organized

Hey there~

I am really on a mission to help anyone who wants to get organized. As a coach I see the difference daily between those who take action to plan ahead and handle clutter and tolerations, and those who fly by the seat of their pants and procrastinate. Funny thing. Those who don't block time to handle thngs often use the excuse that they value their freedom and don't like to be locked into a schedule. Unfortunatley they end up wasting a lot of time. The funny thing is those who have some structure tend to have more freedom. They get things done, are more successful, and take time for what they love.

So today take 15 minutes to declutter one small area, handle a repair, or plan tomorrow. Get on track to get things done in order to have more freedom!

Wishing you continued success~

Check out the Get Organized & Energized Workshop in a post below.
Beth Tabak
When you are ready to be unlimited!

Connect with Beth on Twitter @

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Get Organized & Energized Workshop registration is open!

This is a fast paced, action-packed workshop to actively get organized and energized.

~ Get clear on how to set up and maintain a schedule that allows you to take
control and maintain focus
~ Learn ways to subdue sabotaging behaviors
~ Gain tips to declutter and create an organized, enjoyable environment
~ Walk away more organized, more energized, and knowing your next best steps

Recommended: Bring your current planning system whether a pda, planner, laptop, notebook, etc.
Required: Print off and bring the handouts that will be sent a couple days before the workshop; Have a pencil with eraser handy.

What some attendees have said: "very helpful to get me started, very educational, great, good ideas, wonderful, really needed this, great presentation, this could be a full day workshop, thank you so much Beth awesome seminar, loved it!"

Learn more at:

Get excited and get ready to get organized and energized!!

Complete the Triple Threat Get Organized and Energized Challenge

Hi Readers:

Three key actions that threaten time bandits and clutter are creating
space, managing time, and rejuvenation. When you put the triple threat into
action you begin to get organized and energized while enjoying each day.
Below are tips on how to do all three daily in small simple steps. If up for a 21
day challenge pick up the complimentary Get Organized and Energized Triple
Threat Challenge Chart at to stay on track.
In the meantime, begin!

Create Space to Set Up a Home and Work Environment You Feel Great In

Choose one action daily from the list below to get on track to an awesome
environment. Customize it to work for you. If there is an action that works well,
repeat it. Feel free to increase the number of items or time settings. The smaller
amounts are to help you begin and develop a habit.

Every Day Choose One Action to Take for Creating Space:
~ As fast as you can throw away or donate 10 items now
~ Take 10 minutes to clear a small visible space- ex- shelf, desk top, counter
top, paper or floor pile, etc.
~ Take 10 minutes to clear a small enclosed space- ex- drawer, cabinet, file,
email inbox, etc.
~ Turn on the music. Have the family help pick up quickly for 15-20 minutes.
~ Tackle a larger space once a week- ex- a cabinet, closet, garage, etc. It is
ok to begin with one section.
~ Organize a space so it is efficient, enjoyable, or whatever you want that
area to be.

Be Intentional when Managing Time so Time Does Not Manage You

Choose one action daily from the list below. 24 hours is enough! Make choices
that lead to more high quality moments. Consider repeating one action until it
becomes habit, then incorporate another.

Every Day Choose One Action to Open Up Pockets of Time:
~ Establish priorities and planning tomorrow accordingly
~ Set deadlines on tasks that squander time away- ex- phone calls, e-mail,
interruptions, etc.
~ Focus on completion of one task at a time for higher productivity and to
build a history of completions
~ Establish a system that saves time and possibly money in the future- ex-
to do's out of head and into a system, prospect follow-up system,
standardized letters (with personalization), welcome packages/ client files
pre-prepared, maintenance schedule, run errands weekly, create checklists
for supplies, travel, groceries, holidays, pet care, etc.
~ Block time and take action on the one thing that would make the greatest
positive difference
~ Handle a toleration- ex-a repair, hiring a cleaning professional or assistant, etc.
~ Set a boundary- Know when to say 'yes' and when to say 'no'- ex- Saying
'no' to lunch with people who drain you; Saying 'yes' to meeting with an
uplifting, interesting associate.

Rejuvenation and Rewards are Critical for Peak Performance in Handling Time and Actions

Rejuvenate throughout the day before your mind and body lose their
commitment. 10 minute breaks every 90 minutes is great! Consider a walk, nap,
meditation, fresh air, a healthy snack or drink, a full night sleep, a day off, etc.
Rejuvenate before falling into a state of unproductive exhaustion when your
mind is done as your body struggles through the motions. Instead, rejuvenate!
Save precious time.

Reward yourself for two reasons. First, you focus on completion instead of the
task. And second, to enjoy every day. Produce a positive experience as you
gain control of your environment and time while building a record of completions.
As you progress enjoy more high quality moments doing what you love with who
you care about in a space you feel great in!

Be open to adjust any action above or add your own. This is about you! What
works for you? Each day take action in each triple threat area-- to create
space, manage time, and rejuvenate-- in order to be organized and energized
while making the most of today. To take on the 21 day challenge pick up the
complimentary Get Organized and Energized Triple Threat Challenge Chart at . Let the organizing begin ... StartingNow!

As you continue to be unlimited~