Wednesday, October 14, 2009

End Chaos.. Plan Ahead

Stop! Jot down what you want to knock out this week.  
Prioritize! Decide what actions will make the greatest positive difference.
Schedule! Do the important things first.
Begin! Take rejuvenation breaks.
Finish! Feel accomplished!!

Sometimes we get into such a whirlwind that we don't take the time to get the clutter out of our heads and into a system that will support our success. Some prefer paper planners, others enjoy technology such as a blackberry or their computer. In any event, a crammmed brain works like a packed computer. The more you are dealing with, the slower it gets. So, stop! Put your to do's into a system.

Now decide what is most important. What are the actions that will make the biggest difference. If you are really needing money, take actions that will help you increase income or lower expenses instead of spending time on a secondary goal. Is there anything you can delegate or eliminate? Prioritize what is most important.

Schedule those important tasks first. So that you are active in what you have decided will make a difference. We often put the important stuff off because of fear or it's something we don't want to do. Putting things off become a toleration that drains your energy and wastes more time. Keep the end result in mind. Know how great you will feel when it's behind you.

Begin! Get busy taking action. Take regular breaks every 90 minutes or so to rejuvenate in order to stay at peak performance level. Treat yourself for 10 minutes. Then get focused and get things done. Listen to your body. Improve your diet, exercise, sleep, etc. in order to have the best energy. 

Finish! Keep your eye on completion. Feel great about what you've accomplished and reward your efforts. Go have fun!! Enjoy life now while you take action towards the business, career, life you keep thinking about. Enjoy the people around you. Reap the rewards of planning ahead.

As we continue to be unlimited~
When you are ready to be unlimited! 

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