Thursday, October 06, 2005

Intuition~ Using What You Already Know~ Oct. 5th, 2005 Call

An abundance of material on today's call. Great topic! It is important to note I came to the call as a student exploring this concept of intuition... and sharing what I've found.

"The more and more each is impelled by that which is intuitive, or the relying upon the soul force within, the greater, the farther, the deeper, the broader, the more constructive maybe the result."Edgar Cayce

Albert Einstein said, "the only real valuable thing is intuition."

An Intriguing Study

The Institute of Heart Math, focused on decoding the intelligence of the heart, conducted a study. They showed 26 participants 30 calm pictures (landscapes, cute animals, etc.) & 15 disturbing & emotionally stimulating pictures (car crash, bloody knife, etc.). Measures were used to investigate where & when in the brain & body intuitive information is processed. Astounding results showed participants had significant changes in heart rate variability 5-7 seconds before an emotionally disturbing picture appeared. It then sent a message to the brain. The study remarkably shows the heart is involved in the perception of future external events as well as processing and decoding intuitive information. It also found females are more attuned to intuitive information. Click here to read more about the study

Understanding Intuition

Intuition- knowing w/out knowing how you know, the human capacity to know w/out the use of rational processes or concrete information, based on an inner knowledge/truth & not on external stimulus, a natural knowing,

Problem- It competes with preconceived notions. We over rely on thinking and logic.

Benefits of intuition- Better decisions, ask better questions, in facing fear, better relationships

How do intuitive messages show up?

Kinesthetically- feelings in stomach, heart, joints, muscles, energy level, senses
Cognitively- hunch, aha!, seeing connections
Experientially- synchronistic, things fall in line, options fall away except 1, right place/ right time

1- Notice where your intuitive messages come from
2- Hone in on that part of yourself that send the message
3- Pose 'clear questions' with clear answers

How can you know when you are experiencing intuition:

Logic- Need to know why, ego, draw from tangible evidence, you think you know, your agenda

Intuition- You are in trust, intuition comes to you, caught off guard by the thought or image. When you open yourself up to the message instead of disregarding it, you open yourself up to receiving and understanding its value.

~ A knowingness
~ Things happen synchronistically (right people, right time, alignment, not coincidence)
~ There's effortlessness/ flow
~ Elation & inspiration
~ It keeps coming up until you pay attention to it and act on it

Ways to know when it is something other than intuition:

~ Intuition does not carry a sense of desperate urgency
~ If it is charged with emotion then it is not intuition
~ If it is full of effort... you keep trying to make it fit into your life
~ If it is out of integrity for you ... doesn't fit with your core values

How can you become more intuitive:

Intuition is like a muscle- it needs to be exercised to develop & will atrophy w/out use.
Self-Care is fundamental (slowing down the mind): when overwhelmed, tired, hungry, in chaos the lines of intuitive communication collapseAsk yourself how you think and feel right now?
Get out of your head and into your heart- then notice the first thing that came to mind
Being truly honest with yourself... what is the truth about this message?
What are you feeling, seeing, hearing, sensing?
Where do you feel this in your body?
What is this message trying to tell you?
Creativity, Yoga, Walk, Deep breathing, Listen to music, Meditation, Relaxing environment, Visualization
Trust your 1st thoughts, Trust your day dreams
Asking the "Right Questions"- sensory based
Speaking out loud about your intuitive sense can expand on it and draw more insight

Exercise 1:
Sit & Close Eyes, Notice your mind, how it flips, Choose to quiet your mind. Allow yourself to be there... observe the quiet... Ask- What do I trust?

Exercise 2:
1) Notice the 3 decisions you make/made- Are they intuitive or coming from logic
2) Journal when intuition or the mind kicks in, notice patterns that emerge, note results and consequences

What I want for you is to use intuition to expand your personal discovery, make better decisions, & move into a place of trust to move beyond limits in your life and business.

Sign up for the Moving Beyond Limits Revolution at and hear you next Wednesday when we discuss "Knowing Who You Are & How to Leverage It".