Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Lights out... Lights on

Hi Everyone~
Today I lost power for about 45 minute period of time when I should have been conducting a Moving Beyond Limits call. So what did I do? Completely tore my office apart, rearranged, dusted it up, and abracadabra... a great new feeling of openness, flow, space, and energy! I have noticed myself becoming increasingly aggravated with my work space. Since I got a new computer last Christmas I have felt invaded by the space the large monitor takes up. I also have some large reference books that I like to access easily but have recently felt them taking over my space. So in 45 minutes of down time when I would normally be on a call I tore into it and quickly found a new piece of mind. What are you tolerating that you need to delve into? It may not be as bad as you think. Cheers ~ Beth

PS~ If you want to join other big thinkers on a Moving Beyond Limits call... join us next Wednesday. Learn more at

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

America's Take Action Challenge to Eliminate Despair

To read the article America's Take Action Challenge to Eliminate Despair
What is your commitment for 2005/2006?
that accompanies this post visit

America 's Take Action Challenge:

Over the course of the next year I feel good about committing to _____________
and will do this _______________(weekly/monthly) for as long as needed.
Add it to your calendar for the next year and begin... StartingNow! Choose what you
can feel good about by following your gut instinct. To add accountability, you may post your commitment to the world at the StartingNow Blog at . We take more action when there is accountability and support.

Post your commitments by commenting here:

I feel good about committing to make my first check of the month out in the spirit of giving, pick up extra groceries once a month, declutter closets in September, December, March, and June to pass on, decide each week how I can volunteer my time when opportunity arises without overcommitting myself.

Now your turn to make your committment out loud. Click Comment to share your commitment.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Set Your Mind for Success- August 31, 2005

Wow... great call today!

Thanks everyone for making this a very interactive, supportive call that include a couple light bulb moments. When we come together and interact a synergy is created. Here are a few thoughts we discussed.

Since our mind controls our actions it is wise to explore what's going on with our thoughts. As with habits, do your thoughts encourage you or restrain you?

1- Be open to the idea that you were created for a grand purpose.

2- In talking with many top coaches in the country, the #1 response to the question "what is the #1 thing that holds people back from what they want?" was beliefs. Pay attention to roles you are in, labels, and beliefs that limit and no longer serve you.

3- Once you recognize what is in place you can take action to rewrite the belief. Such as "I can do everything to help others but I can't do it for me." Shift to
"I can do everything to help others so am fully capable to do it for myself." Maybe you have always been the caretaker in your family and it's time for someone else to lend a helping hand.

4- Make your enviroment a place of abundance... there is nothing lacking. You have unlimited people, resources, opportunities, and choices available to you.

5- Explore choices with out of the box thinking... try Mind Mapping.

"The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives." William James

A new belief we can integrate into our lives that rose out of the call is that we are all deserving of prosperity!

Warm regards~ Beth

PS~ Jess has been working diligently on her website. You can visit it at and share your feedback with her.

Are Your Daily Habits Serving You? ~ August 24th, 2005

Hello Moving Beyond Limits Revolutionaries~

"Up to 90% of our normal behavior is based on habits." excerpt from the book The Power of Focus by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, & Les Hewitt

Seems like it makes sense for us to explore what habits we have in place and whether or not they are serving us or holding us back. This is what we did on the call Wednesday. Here are a few notes from the call.

1) Through our lives we develop habits that serve us for a period of time. Often we maintain these habits even after they no longer serve us. So it is critical to explore what daily habits are at work in your life. Which ones work for you and which are holding you back?

2) Choose habits that create the long term results you want. Choose what you want ... not what you think you should do. This helps set you up to succeed. Be specific. Choose 1-3 to work on per month to maintain focus and set yourself up to succeed. Only 1 per month will provide 16 new habits that serve you by the end of 2006.

3) What is your motivation? What will you feel and experience of maintaining this habit? How will you reward yourself? You can even use a negative stimulus. What will be the result if you maintain the habit that no longer serves you?

4) Set up a Support Structure- The Rewarding Daily Habits chart is meant to help you maintain focus on a daily basis. Studies have shown that you are more likely to take action when you have support and accountability. So you may want to connect with a buddy, coach, or use the StartingNow Blog right here to post your breakthroughs, challenges, and thoughts for others to get the support you need.

5) Keep your vision in front of you. Maintain focus for 28 days.You will miss some days... persevere... don't give up. You can go for 2 months if needed.

What I want for you is to develop daily habits that work for you to create a high quality business and life as you move beyond limits.

Hear you Wednesday!
Warm regards,Beth

Live Consciously- August 17th Call

Hi Revolutionaries~

Below are a few notes from our call on Wednesday August 17th. Step 1 to moving beyond limits is to live consciously. So how do you do that?

1) Notice when you hold yourself back through thoughts, self-talk, procrastination, etc. Pay attention to how you think and talk to yourself.

2) Get to the source- Who is the voice behind your critic (a parent, sibling, teacher, boss?). Fear is often at the base.Identify the source then take action to resolve the issue.

3) Identify sabotaging habits, beliefs, & tolerations thatrestrain you. Habits you picked up as a child may not serveyou well now. If you receive StartingNow ezine... this week'sissue will address creating new habits that uplift you. Ifnot, you can visit it out soon at

4) Be aware of how your thoughts, choices, & habits serve you long term. Debbie Ford's book "The Right Questions" is agreat resource and includes 10 questions to ask yourself.Here's 2: "Will this choice add to my life or rob me of myenergy?" & "Is this an act of self-love or an act of self-sabotage?"

5) Attend to the "who" vs "what". When making a life decisionmost people ask themselves what they want and then how do Iget that. Begin with the question "Who am I?" What are yourstrengths, values, passions, etc. and what can you do toleverage them to your advantage?

6) Access your intuition- that real gut feeling. Are youmaking life choices by only thinking in your head or are youalso paying attention to that deeper "knowing" within?

7) Engage in "who" you are- When you get to know what yourstrengths, values, passions, and needs are you can get needsmet, leverage strengths, enjoy what is most important to youand engage in who you are. Take the VIA Signature Strengthssurvey at no charge at tolearn your strengths. To identify values ask yourself... what would you want in your life if time and *money* were notan issue?

When you live consciously you will gain the ability to respond vs. react in situations. Share your experiences.. successes and challenges here on the blog so we can continue to support each other to move beyond limits.

Hear you next Wednesday!
Warm regards,Beth