Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Refuse to be Intimidated by a Challenge

Hi Readers:

Hope you all are staying excited and in action in the new year. As the cute little girl scouts begin
roaming around going door to door with their scrumptious cookies it is a sign to me that it's
about the same time I begin hearing grumblings of obstacles getting in the way of those new
year's resolutions. It doesn't have to be that way.

William Arthur Ward shows us it's all how we look at the challenge. He shared: "The
experienced mountain climber is not intimidated by a mountain-- he is inspired by it. The
persistent winner is not discouraged by a problem--he is challenged by it. Mountains are
created to be conquered; adversities are designed to be defeated; problems are sent to
be solved. It is better to master one mountain than a thousand foothills"

We all hear the stats on how many people fall off their goals. What we don't hear is how many
people set goals and achieve great things. If they can do it... you can, too! Hold your eyes
on that end result you want every day! Just as if you have already achieved it.

Stay confident in who you are. You are capable of more than you know. If you need help, ask.
If you need answers, seek. If you need rest, rest. Remember how amazing you will feel when you conquer your mountain and how it can change life in new directions.

Refuse to be intimidated by a challenge. Stand strong in who you are. Take action to
experience progress and build confidence. Ask yourself:

~ How can I approach an obstacle as an opportunity to learn, grow, quell a fear, gain
   strength and become better for it?

~ How can I face the challenge so that I am inspired to persistently take steps forward
   with zeal; consistently anticipating how great you will feel for having the gumption to
   see it through?

If you need support join the Starting Now group on Facebook. We will support and
encourage you. It's free!

As you continue to be unlimited~

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