Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Set Your Intention to Learn & Watch Your Life Change

Learning daily leads to developing skills and self. Think of a football team at the beginning of spring training until the end of a season. Or a student at the beginning of a school year until the end. They develop so much by learning and developing skills daily. We all learn and grow on a daily basis but we can grow in greater strides when we are intentional about about learning something or building a skill.

Developing skills and self cultivates confidence. Confidence provides strength to endure tough times, and changes a lifetime through better choices and better results. Someone who is confident will make educated decisions and be more willing to take a risk to accept an opportunity. They are more willing to stretch outside of their comfort zone. Their communication skills improve. They are more likely to rise up to their abilities instead of hunkering down in their comfort zone. Be intentional to learn daily through:

~ Reading something worth reading- Choose something you have an interest in and learn more about it. Build your expertise.

~ Listening to someone who has value to share- Who do you admire that you would love to chat with in order to learn more about who they are, where they came from, and how they grew to be who they are today? Who has great knowledge in an area of interest to you? Is their a class you would like to take?

~ Learning from experience by taking new actions- We learn by doing. No one learns to swim without getting into the pool. The more you are willing to do or try, the more you will grow through life experience.

What could you get excited about learning? Who do you admire that you would love to chat with and learn from? Is there anything you've been resisting that you could learn from if you got past the fear and just did it? Is there an opportunity that could make a big difference in your life if you committed to learning or practicing something?

Can you see how being intentional about learning can improve your quality of life? Learning more in a certain area and developing skills can lead to developing an expertise, more confidence, more opportunities, better decisions, and thereby improve your career, business, finances, communication skills, health, results, and more. Become an infinite learner throughout your life, and experience life shift into something spectacular!

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