Friday, September 02, 2005

Set Your Mind for Success- August 31, 2005

Wow... great call today!

Thanks everyone for making this a very interactive, supportive call that include a couple light bulb moments. When we come together and interact a synergy is created. Here are a few thoughts we discussed.

Since our mind controls our actions it is wise to explore what's going on with our thoughts. As with habits, do your thoughts encourage you or restrain you?

1- Be open to the idea that you were created for a grand purpose.

2- In talking with many top coaches in the country, the #1 response to the question "what is the #1 thing that holds people back from what they want?" was beliefs. Pay attention to roles you are in, labels, and beliefs that limit and no longer serve you.

3- Once you recognize what is in place you can take action to rewrite the belief. Such as "I can do everything to help others but I can't do it for me." Shift to
"I can do everything to help others so am fully capable to do it for myself." Maybe you have always been the caretaker in your family and it's time for someone else to lend a helping hand.

4- Make your enviroment a place of abundance... there is nothing lacking. You have unlimited people, resources, opportunities, and choices available to you.

5- Explore choices with out of the box thinking... try Mind Mapping.

"The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives." William James

A new belief we can integrate into our lives that rose out of the call is that we are all deserving of prosperity!

Warm regards~ Beth

PS~ Jess has been working diligently on her website. You can visit it at and share your feedback with her.

1 comment:

Starting Now coach said...

I have added this post at Jess' request.

Hi Beth,

Just checking in to say that hearing you and Shelby talk about how very powerful affirmations were for you in your lives was an instant inspiration to me. I UNDERSTOOD at that moment that I have the same power to create my life as I choose.

Well, something triggered and I put the old rubberband back on my wrist and started going after all the negative and limiting thoughts I've unwittingly entertained for too long. I 've been doing a lot of snapping. It's amazing how suddenly these thoughts can't sneak past me anymore.

Also, I felt empowered to start saying and writing affirmations about EVERYTHING that comes my way. For instance, I am heading a volunteer committee at school and I don't do too well at organizing these things. Instead of the same old pattern, I made up a whole new scenario and it inspires me daily! I KNOW this will be a success.

Now I am working on my business vision and daily affs and this should help me out of the doldrums.

I'm having a lot of fun with this and am even verbalizing improved
scenarios for things my children bring to my attention.

Things are going well and I want to thank you for the wed. calls as they have provided the support and camaraderie I've been missing by working at home.

See you Wednesday!

Jess L.