Friday, September 02, 2005

Live Consciously- August 17th Call

Hi Revolutionaries~

Below are a few notes from our call on Wednesday August 17th. Step 1 to moving beyond limits is to live consciously. So how do you do that?

1) Notice when you hold yourself back through thoughts, self-talk, procrastination, etc. Pay attention to how you think and talk to yourself.

2) Get to the source- Who is the voice behind your critic (a parent, sibling, teacher, boss?). Fear is often at the base.Identify the source then take action to resolve the issue.

3) Identify sabotaging habits, beliefs, & tolerations thatrestrain you. Habits you picked up as a child may not serveyou well now. If you receive StartingNow ezine... this week'sissue will address creating new habits that uplift you. Ifnot, you can visit it out soon at

4) Be aware of how your thoughts, choices, & habits serve you long term. Debbie Ford's book "The Right Questions" is agreat resource and includes 10 questions to ask yourself.Here's 2: "Will this choice add to my life or rob me of myenergy?" & "Is this an act of self-love or an act of self-sabotage?"

5) Attend to the "who" vs "what". When making a life decisionmost people ask themselves what they want and then how do Iget that. Begin with the question "Who am I?" What are yourstrengths, values, passions, etc. and what can you do toleverage them to your advantage?

6) Access your intuition- that real gut feeling. Are youmaking life choices by only thinking in your head or are youalso paying attention to that deeper "knowing" within?

7) Engage in "who" you are- When you get to know what yourstrengths, values, passions, and needs are you can get needsmet, leverage strengths, enjoy what is most important to youand engage in who you are. Take the VIA Signature Strengthssurvey at no charge at tolearn your strengths. To identify values ask yourself... what would you want in your life if time and *money* were notan issue?

When you live consciously you will gain the ability to respond vs. react in situations. Share your experiences.. successes and challenges here on the blog so we can continue to support each other to move beyond limits.

Hear you next Wednesday!
Warm regards,Beth

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