Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Mission- Getting to the Core of What You're About?

Thanks Gang for an absolutely fabulous Moving Beyond Limits Call on Wednesday. I have created 3 posts on Vision, Mission, and Goals as we've discussed. Please add your comments and share experiences and what has worked for you. Let's first discuss how to create a Mission that get's to the core of who you are and drives you forward.

There are 2 steps to determining your mission:

1) Really get to know who you are-
What are your passions, strengths, talents, skills, values?
What gets you juiced?
What are your hot buttons?
What do you stand for?
What makes you jump out of bed in the morning?

When you design your life based on leveraging your natural abilities you get into flow.

2) Put your purpose into a single sentence-
~ the sentence expresses what you do and often who you serve
~ it is in simple language easily understood by a 12 year old
~ it fully expresses you and gets you excited (not watered down)

A few examples:
Google's- "to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful."
Oprah's Angle Network- "dedicated to inspiring people to make a difference in the lives of others."
Amazon's- "to build a place where people can come to find and discover anything they might want to buy online."
The Red Cross'- "will provide relief to victims of disasters and help people prevent, prepare for, and respond to emergencies."

Mine- "100% committed to coaching big thinkers to be unlimited, stand out in a crowd, and experience the vastness of their capabilities." Every section of this sentence represents something important to me.

Here are a few resources:
Now, Discover Your Strengths by Marcus Buckingham & Donald O. Clifton, PhD
Stand Up for Your Life by Cheryl Richardson- exercises for getting know you
The Path- Creating Your Mission Statement for Work and Life by Laurie Beth Jones (Christian based)
On-line- free VIA Strengths Assessment- created by Dr. Martin Seligmen
Think from the end. At the end of your life what is the one thing you do NOT want to regret?

Don't think too much when doing this... following your heart and gut. Have fun!!

As we continue to be unlimited at work and play~

Creating the Vision that Propels You Forward

Thanks Gang for an exceptional call on Wednesday. I have created 3 posts on Vision, Mission, and Goals as per our discussion. Please share your comments on what you are doing and what works for you.

Holding your vision is equal to taking responsibility to motivate yourself. It's the 'why'. Why are you doing what you're doing? The more vivid your vision the more likely you will take action to get there. Consider when you get a craving for a certain food. You begin to see it, smell it, taste it, and experience the satisfaction of having it. Before you know it you are running to the grocery store or your favorite restaurant to pound it down.

When creating a vision: You are creating your ultimate end result.
  • Make it intense, vivid, colorful, and very clear.
  • Make it big enough to get you excited to run towards it. It does not have to be actualized. It allows you not to limit yourself. Such as Martin Luther King- "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." It drove him forward. It inspired others and drove them forward. Has it been actualized? Not yet. Worthwhile? Absolutely!
  • Create a vision board with pictures, phrases, words, $ amounts, etc. to keep your vision in front of you daily.
  • Close your eyes a few times daily and experience your end result as if it has already occurred. Feel the emotions.
  • Allow it to propel you into action!
  • Watch it come to life!

For more info on Vision see previous posts. What are you doing to keep your vision in front of you in order to stay motivated and attract the life you keep thinking about.

As we continue to be unlimited~

Goals- Step by Step to Your Vision

Thanks Gang for a fabulous call on Wednesday. I have created 3 posts on Vision, Mission, and Goals as we discussed. Please share your comments on what works for you.

Goals are the milestones to your vision. From past experience in helping hundred of people set goals I have found the biggest pitfall is that most people do not set clear, measurable goals. It really comes down to these steps:

1) A Clear Goal- You know exactly what you want... to write a book, to obtain a management position, to buy a new car, to pay off all credit cards. Something like 'To live a healthy lifestyle' would have to be clearly defined so you know exactly what your goal is.
2) Measurable- This is your score card. You can measure your progress. To pay off credit cards can be broken down into creating a budget and paying off so much per month.
3) Attainable- Unlike your vision your goals are attainable. Depending on your personality you can set them up to be easily attainable or to stretch yourself a bit if you like a challenge. For most people it is better to set goals you know you can achieve and build a track record of successes to build up confidence.
4) Have a Deadline- Set the date to achieve your goal and keep it in front of you.
5) Set up Action Steps- Set up the first 3 action steps you will take under each goal with deadlines to get you started. Action steps are the steps we take to reach goals. Begin!

What works for you to obtain your goals? Share your comments.

As we continue to be unlimited~

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

What will you do to seize today?

"Know the true value of time; snatch, seize, and enjoy every moment of it. No idleness, no delay, no procrastination; never put off till tomorrow what you can do today." Earl of Chesterfield

What will you do to seize today?
Post your intention. Making a declaration of what you intend to do will put you in position of accountability and you will be more likely to do it. Then come back at the end of the day and post your results and how you felt at the end of the day. Read over the posts to get new ideas for how you can seize the day tomorrow.

Make it the best day yet!

As we continue to be unlimited~

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Post Results from the Smiling Game Challenge Here

From Wednesday Morning Inspiration 2/15/06
"Play the smiling game in your daily life. See how many people you
can get to smile back at you. Keep score and tally the results at the
end of each day." by Josh S. Hinds of

Post your results here!

Can't wait to hear how this makes a difference in your day.

Happy smiling~

To sign up for Wednesday Morning Inspiration visit

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Is Your Vision Intense Enough to Keep You Blazing the Trail

An excerpt from Dr. Wayne Dyer's book The Power of Intension published below got me wondering if our visions (or intensions) are strong enough. Here it is again:

" ... if I set out to write a book , I keep a solid picture of the completed book in my mind, and I refuse to let that intention disappear. There's nothing that can keep me from that intention being fulfilled. Some say that I have great discipline, but I know otherwise. My unbending intent won't allow for anything but its completion to be expressed. I'm pushed, prodded, and propelled, and finally almost mystically attracted to my writing space. All waking and sleeping thoughts are focused on this picture, and I never lack for being in a state of awe at how it all comes together."

A few tips we can pull from this are:
Vision- Have a solid picture of the end result engrained in your mind
Clarity- The picture is focused on one project
Commitment- Absolutely refuse to let go of that vision... no matter what!
Determination- Nothing will stand in the way of manifesting the end result
Attraction- The solid vision serves as a magnet to motivate you into action
Confident Awareness- All waking & sleeping thoughts are around the clear vision... the ideal end result... your determined intent...and not the obstacles or challenges facing you.

Here are a few questions to ask yourself:
~ What one goal are you fully committed to completing?
~ What picture can you hold of that completed project that gets you so excited you can't wait to get to work on it? Be clear and detailed
~ What support structure will help you to create a habit of holding this vision and never letting go... no matter what!

Have a great week and hear you on Wednesday! If you just came across the Moving Beyond Limits Revolution and would like to join us on a call you can learn more and sign up at . Can't wait to connect with you on the call!

Moving Beyond Limits~

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

What Does it Take to be 100% Committed Every Day

Whenever I post notes from our calls I always feel a little sad. It's from my inability to be able to post the synergy, enthusiasm, and all that you bring to the call. I leave with such high energy!! It also comes from knowing there's a bunch of you that missed it who didn't get to take that something with you that could propel you forward, and that we missed the value you would have brought to the call. So here are notes but know that for us to Move Beyond Limits together we have to continue to connect with others who are doing the same. Hear you next week!

"Believe deep down in your heart that you are destined to do great things." Joe Paterno
If you come from this place every day of the year how will this year be different? Many of us have a thin layer of positive thinking on top of a whole bunch of negative thinking. If you stop thinking so much, and come from a deeper place of knowing you are destined to do great things from deep in your heart... how will your year turn out different?
What does it take to be truly 100% committed every day?
  • Motivation for what you are doing- Leveraging your strengths, passions, values, etc. daily gets you in the gap. How can you set up your days so that you are living purposefully and not losing site.
  • Clear Vision- Dr Wayne Dyer gives us an example of how intense a clear vision can be. Excerpt from The Power of Intention: " ... if I set out to write a book , I keep a solid picture of the completed book in my mind, and I refuse to let that intention disappear. There's nothing that can keep me from that intention being fulfilled. Some say that I have great discipline, but I know otherwise. My unbending intent won't allow for anything but its completion to be expressed. I'm pushed, prodded, and propelled, and finally almost mystically attracted to my writing space. All waking and sleeping thoughts are focused on this picture, and I never lack for being in a state of awe at how it all comes together."
  • Have a Plan- Know what consitent daily actions you will take and build rewarding daily habits. It's hard to be committed if you don't know what to do.
  • Be Persistent- Don't quit, don't bounce around, don't lose site, don't waver. Take persistent daily actions. Example- If you try a new marketing plan give it time to work before trying something else. When obstacles get in your way, fall down and get back up.
  • Take risks- Stretch out of your comfort zone daily, set up a daily habit to take a risk daily just to strengthen that courage muscle and get comfortable with discomfort... a sign you are growing
  • Awareness- Be aware when self-limiting beliefs show up and of perceived obstacles (other people, circumstances, etc.). Strive to calibrate at higher energy levels by maintaining positive attiudes... in a place of abundance, love, peace, unity, gratitude, appreciation.
  • Manage Your Time with First Things First- What will make the greatest positive impact in your life? Work hard/ Play hard
  • Joyful Self Care- add self-care to each day...rewards, fun, quiet time, reading, exercise, foods that energize, 10 minute breaks every 90 minutes throughout the day, and say no to requests that are not in your top 3 priorities.

What I want for you is to raise your standards and be your best daily? You amaze me!

Hear you next week! ~ Beth