Wednesday, July 20, 2005

The First Moving Beyond Limits Revolution call

Today I left the call with high energy.

What is this all about? We all have limits in our lives... it is our choice to move beyond those limits. The revolution began with this quote by Thomas Edison, "If we did the things we are capable of, we would astound ourselves." If you lived your life this way, how would it be different?

There was a story on through the Associated Press on July 8th about a 15 year old girl in Dulwich, southeastLondon who left her home sleepwalking during the night. She climbed to the top of the crane and walked across a narrow metal beam while asleep. She was rescued 2 hours after being discovered by a passer-by fast asleep 130 feet up on the arm of a crane. We would all have imagined that it was impossible, and I doubt she would have had the same success if she tried it while awake.

In talking with experts who support people to move beyond limits I have discovered over 20 ways in which we hold ourselves back. Yet the moment we make the choice to move beyond limits suddenly the abundance of the world opens up to us. Join us on Wednesdays by signing up at and connect with other big thinkers to experience the vastness of your capabilities.

Cheers~ Beth